La nutrición ortomolecular es la aportación de los nutrientes de los alimentos consumidos, pero con una asimilación más nutritiva durante la digestión, para la asimilación de los compuestos químicos en las células del organismo, que intervienen en las reacciones proteínicas y amínicas, reforzando el papel primordial de la nutrición, para mantener una salud óptima. En este sentido, la nutrición ortomolecular considera que el tratamiento de muchas enfermedades pasa por variar la concentración de determinados nutrientes a nivel celular. Así, si cada célula del organismo recibe los nutrientes adecuados para funcionar, genera un medio óptimo interno que estará en condiciones para controlar la aparición de determinadas enfermedades.
Es considerada por la comunidad científica como una pseudociencia, ya que no existe ninguna evidencia científica que certifique su eficacia. Además, el hecho que la nutrición ortomolecular emplee suplementos nutricionales para alcanzar altas dosis de biomoleculas requeridas, ha demostrado que es una terapia ineficaz para prevenir enfermedades crónicas, además de poder causar hipervitaminosis, si se exceden las cantidades de vitaminas.
¿Por qué se realiza?
La nutrición ortomolecular se utiliza para ayudar en la absorción de vitaminas y nutrientes por parte del organismo, y así influir en la curación de determinadas patologías.
Ortomolecular medicine, also known as orthomolecular medicine, is a form of alternative medicine that aims to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation. The term "orthomolecular" was coined by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, and it derives from "ortho," meaning "right" or "correct," and "molecule," referring to the fundamental units of biochemistry. Thus, orthomolecular medicine focuses on the use of naturally occurring substances, primarily nutrients, in optimal amounts to achieve and maintain health.
Key concepts in orthomolecular medicine include:
Individual Biochemistry: Recognizing that each person has unique biochemical needs and that these needs can be met by tailoring nutrient intake accordingly.
Optimal Levels of Nutrients: Advocating for the intake of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients at levels that are often higher than those typically recommended by standard dietary guidelines.
Prevention and Treatment of Disease: Using high doses of nutrients to prevent and treat a wide range of health conditions, from chronic illnesses like heart disease and cancer to mental health disorders such as depression and schizophrenia.
Natural Substances: Focusing on substances that naturally occur in the body or in food, thereby aiming to minimize side effects compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Critics of orthomolecular medicine argue that many of its practices lack strong scientific evidence and can sometimes lead to excessive intake of certain nutrients, which can be harmful. For instance, high doses of some vitamins and minerals can cause toxicity and adverse effects. The approach is often viewed with skepticism by the mainstream medical community, which emphasizes evidence-based treatments.
Proponents, on the other hand, argue that orthomolecular approaches can be highly effective, especially in cases where conventional medicine does not provide satisfactory results. They advocate for more research and a broader acceptance of the role of nutrition in health and disease management.
As with any medical treatment, it's essential for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new supplementation regimen, especially at high doses.